mylar strips dental cosmedent

Enhance Your Dental Practice with Mylar Strips: A Step-by-Step Approach

Many clinical situations like through and through proximal defects or proximoincisal defects require use of stiffer putty index matrix with mylar strip technique to satisfactorily restore them with composites both labially and palatally this new matrix technique and classification has several advantages over the traditional teflon tape approach.

Using mylar strips dental cosmedent creates inaccurate flat embrasures and black triangles and can lead to improper contact establishment. It is also difficult to contour vast areas using this flexible matrix.

1. Boost Patient Confidence

Mylar strips help patients feel more confident about the outcome of their dental procedures. They also allow dentists to offer additional services, such as composite build-ups and veneers, without having to remove a full crown.

The procedure begins with acid etching of the teeth. Once the tooth surface has been prepped the bonding agent is applied and cured using targeted UV light. The dentist then removes the Mylar strip and inspects the results for any imperfections or misalignment.

After the patient has been informed of any changes in their appearance, they can begin to accept their new smile. It’s important to remind them that food will trap differently, and they may experience a small lisp while the mouth adjusts.

Mylar matrix strips provide isolation of the tooth for a better quality of bonding with a composite resin. The etched facial and lingual surfaces are then rinsed, air-thinned and lightly touched up to remove debris. Adhesive Universal (Ivoclar) or a one-bottle etch-and-rinse adhesive is then applied and light-cured.

2. Increase Your Practice’s Efficiency

When it comes to running a successful dental practice, organization is everything. From the front office to the operatory, keeping things neat and tidy makes it easy for your team members to do their jobs well. It also helps to keep patients comfortable by showing that you are professional and in control.

When you’re looking to make your practice even more efficient, one of the best ways to do it is by using dental technology. This can help streamline many of your business processes, including booking appointments, reviewing patient records and completing insurance paperwork.

Another great way to improve your practice’s efficiency is by tracking KPIs, or key performance indicators. These are metrics that tell you how your business is performing, including how many new and returning patients you have.

These metrics can help you identify which areas of your practice are working well and where you need to focus more attention. Having the right practice management software can help you track and analyze these metrics and help you build the practice of your dreams.

3. Create a More Comfortable Environment

The temperature in your dental office can have a significant impact on your patients and staff. While many of your patients will tell you if they are too warm or too cold, others may not speak up which can lead to discomfort and an unpleasant visit.

Using a Mylar Strip Matrix

A clear Mylar strip matrix, also known as a celluloid matrix, is the preferred matrix technique for composite restorations. It provides a clean, simple, and inexpensive way to place the composite in the interproximal area without binding to the tooth surface, especially when using a one-bottle etch and rinse adhesive system.

When used properly, a thin Mylar strip can help achieve a beautiful composite. A Henry Schein Mylar Strip is available in precut straight strips measuring 4” x 3/8”. Unlike PTFE Teflon tape, which can easily get stuck in the contact area of a composite and cause gingival overhang, a Mylar strip can be contoured to the shape of the anticipated restoration to create a convex proximal contour. The technique, referred to as “Mylar Pull,” takes some practice to perfect but is worth the effort.

4. Grow Your Patient Base

Just like a thriving cafe, you have to think about how to attract new patrons and keep existing ones loyal. One of the best ways to do that is by taking a patient-centric approach. It involves understanding the patients’ needs and providing personalized care, resulting in satisfied customers who are more likely to recommend the clinic to their friends and family members.

Another effective strategy is to provide additional services such as free informational brochures and instructional videos. This will help build the trust of potential clients and increase your visibility in the community.

Lastly, you should also consider encouraging online reviews. These are one of the most effective and affordable ways to boost your patient acquisition rate. Moreover, you should try to respond to positive and negative feedback, as this will show your commitment to customer satisfaction.

5. Enhance Your Office Culture

As a dental practice owner, you know that a positive office culture and environment are essential to running your business well. But, creating a great team takes time and effort! Especially since the COVID-19 pandemic many practices have experienced high levels of burnout among dentists and clinical staff.

One of the best ways to build a strong office culture is to set a clear mission statement. This could be something you share with your team or patients, or it can be a private document that you check in with regularly. Either way, a mission statement can serve as your touchstone when you feel like you need to get back on track.

Another way to enhance your office culture is to provide additional services. For example, many dentists use 3D impression technology to create accurate replicas of a patient’s teeth for dental restorations.

This can help increase productivity, but some practices find that this technology can be expensive. By adding Mylar Strips to your practice you can offer an additional service while reducing your overall cost of operation.