Month: October 2023

mylar strips dental cosmedent

Enhance Your Dental Practice with Mylar Strips: A Step-by-Step Approach

Many clinical situations like through and through proximal defects or proximoincisal defects require use of stiffer putty index matrix with mylar strip technique to satisfactorily restore them with composites both labially and palatally this new matrix technique and classification has several advantages over the traditional teflon tape approach.

Using mylar strips dental cosmedent creates inaccurate flat embrasures and black triangles and can lead to improper contact establishment. It is also difficult to contour vast areas using this flexible matrix.

1. Boost Patient Confidence

Mylar strips help patients feel more confident about the outcome of their dental procedures. They also allow dentists to offer additional services, such as composite build-ups and veneers, without having to remove a full crown.

The procedure begins with acid etching of the teeth. Once the tooth surface has been prepped the bonding agent is applied and cured using targeted UV light. The dentist then removes the Mylar strip and inspects the results for any imperfections or misalignment.

After the patient has been informed of any changes in their appearance, they can begin to accept their new smile. It’s important to remind them that food will trap differently, and they may experience a small lisp while the mouth adjusts.

Mylar matrix strips provide isolation of the tooth for a better quality of bonding with a composite resin. The etched facial and lingual surfaces are then rinsed, air-thinned and lightly touched up to remove debris. Adhesive Universal (Ivoclar) or a one-bottle etch-and-rinse adhesive is then applied and light-cured.…